at Capernaum, Israel, caught being unintentionally underdressed!
I don't want you all to be caught off guard...so, As promised, here is what the final exam will look like. It will consist of questions taken directly from the review questions in the assigned chapters of the Jensen textbook, plus the class notes I specifically mentioned would be on the exam. Your notes from the videos, other readings and other class discussions should be integrated into your written assignments and term paper.
Class notes:
- Say as much as you can about Pharisees
- Say as much as you can about Sadducees
- Say as much as you can about Zealots
- Say as much as you can about Essenes
- Say as much as you can about Stoics
- Say as much as you can about Epicureans
- According to Tenney, what are four characteristics of the Roman Empire?
- The method of Jesus could be described as fourfold:
a)to honor and subvert_____;
b) to _______ and convert _______ expectations;
c) to ________ power according to "________ " (which means ________);
d)to _________ worldview/sets according to "________________" (which means ____________) - Name, describe, and diagram three possible "sets," and give an example from the gospels of each.
- The message of Jesus in a word is _____________.
- The mission of Jesus might be summarized as _____________.
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
12. Identify four prominent things prophesied about Jesus in the Old Testament.
13. Compare Matthew and Luke's genealogies of Jesus
14. Name the three periods of Christ's public ministry
15. Name five reasons for the multiple gospels
Chapter 5
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
12. Identify four prominent things prophesied about Jesus in the Old Testament.
13. Compare Matthew and Luke's genealogies of Jesus
14. Name the three periods of Christ's public ministry
15. Name five reasons for the multiple gospels
Chapter 5
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
16. In what sense is Matthew a link in the Bible?
17. Who were the original readers of Matthew?
18. How many major discourse sections in Matthew? How does each conclude?
19. How does this gospel conclude?
Chapter 6
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
20. For whom was this account originally written? What is some evidence of this?
21. What is the purpose and theme of Mark's account?
22. What is the pivotal point of the book? What three-point outline can be built around this?
23. What is one key word of Mark?
Chapter 7
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
24. In your own words, describe the man Luke.
25. Where in the account do parables and miracles, respectively, abound?
26. How does 1:4-4:13 fit into the organization of Luke's account?
27. Name five prominent subjects of Luke.
Chapter 8
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
28. Who were the original readers of John?
29. Compare this gospel account with the synoptic gospels.
30. What is "The Great Pause" of John?
31. What is the main point of 20:30-31?
Extra credit*:
32. For each of the four methods of Jesus in #8, write a paragraph of explanation.
33. Write a paragraph about what Jesus meant by "Kingdom of God."
18. How many major discourse sections in Matthew? How does each conclude?
19. How does this gospel conclude?
Chapter 6
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
20. For whom was this account originally written? What is some evidence of this?
21. What is the purpose and theme of Mark's account?
22. What is the pivotal point of the book? What three-point outline can be built around this?
23. What is one key word of Mark?
Chapter 7
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
24. In your own words, describe the man Luke.
25. Where in the account do parables and miracles, respectively, abound?
26. How does 1:4-4:13 fit into the organization of Luke's account?
27. Name five prominent subjects of Luke.
Chapter 8
(questions word for word from textbook review questions):
28. Who were the original readers of John?
29. Compare this gospel account with the synoptic gospels.
30. What is "The Great Pause" of John?
31. What is the main point of 20:30-31?
Extra credit*:
32. For each of the four methods of Jesus in #8, write a paragraph of explanation.
33. Write a paragraph about what Jesus meant by "Kingdom of God."
34. Bring the instructor gift on exam day.
*one of these is a joke; use wisdom and guess which one (: